Offer Strategies for 3 Hot Segments in Your Catalog File

1) First-time buyers.
Try a thank you offer. This group just bought from you. They tried your product and hopefully had a great experience. Consider sending them a Free Shipping offer to drive that add-on piece they were not willing to buy before they tried you.

2) Non-buying prospects.
Try Free Shipping or a Gift with Purchase. Has someone visited your website recently and registered for your email list or catalog? They have let you know they are interested but may need a little push to buy. Consider a free shipping offer or a gift with purchase to get those non-buyers off the fence. Free Shipping is a great starting point since it reduces their risk of trying your product and competes well with marketplaces like Amazon Prime.

3) Non-responders or Inactive.
Try a win-back offer. If you have a group that purchased in the past, they may have forgotten how much they like your products. Find a group that was profitable to mail in the past but has not bought within 1-2 sales cycles. Invest a portion of your profit from their typical purchase in a “Can’t Miss” savings offer only for them. You could even test a bright, eye-catching cover with a simple “we miss you” message. In many instances this can be just as effective as using an offer!

The added “lift” of an offer for these segments of your mail file may be worth the little bit of extra creative or production expense to move them to buying status.

Try an offer and let us know how it works for you!



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